How do I give such great advise to my friends about relationships, yet am unable to find one of my own?How do I give great advise, but, personally, have no idea?
Because you might know what's smart in a relationship and unlike most people, you could be looking for the right person so you can have a good relationship, not just wandering and going for whoever comes along.How do I give great advise, but, personally, have no idea?
You can see their relationships from the outside prospective but cannot see your own. You can only give advice to those you can see whats going on but when it comes down to you for yourself you cant see it all. Even if you give great advice you should go to someone for advice for yourself even highly educated counselors do this.
It's a lot easier to make rational, logical decisions from the outside of situations. You don't have nearly the skin in the game.
giving advice,without knowing what to say, is handing an infant a loaded gun. steer clear unless You know that of which you speak. and as for you not knowing your own heart? seek help.
Because you have a good insight into people, and its easier to see the whole picture when your not in it. I am the same way.
Because when it's personal you are emotionally involved and can't think with logic! Besides it's easier to give advices then to actually follow them.
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