Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Why do some people fail to listen to health education advise?

In Health and social why is this so, i would like lengthy answers please.Why do some people fail to listen to health education advise?
It can be very confusing.One day,eggs are bad for you in one report,yet another report says eggs are good for you.The same goes for many other health issues.Many reports contradict other reports.As for advise for smoking and drinking,people KNOW the advise but tend to ignor it as they enjoy a smoke,or may be addicted to smoking.As for drinking,we again know that drinking in exess is bad for you,and that we should only have a set number of units a day.But when many people go out,they do not care about how many drinks they have.They go out to get drunk,and many young folks enjoy being drunk.It is part of the drinking culture today.They KNOW it will harm them and have seen the health warnings,but think,why not.

many people are fed up with the nanny state telling them what is good for them and what is bad for them.They say ';it has never done any harm to me'; or that ';my dad smoked 40 cigs a day,and he lived until 90';They say ';a bit of what you fancy does you good';

Tale salt for example.I have always put salt on my food,and have done for 60 years.Now I am told too much salt is bad for you,yet I am in excellent health.I now use less salt though.People tend to rebel about being told what is bad for you,and another day,another warning.

Ah well.Of to the pub and will tell my friends when they have had their alchol units limit.I know what their reply will be though!Why do some people fail to listen to health education advise?
People rarely ';fail to listen';. I believe your phraseology helps to give credence to my reply.

The individual actually chooses whether or not to follow advice, after all that is what it is, advice. Not law, not compulsion but freedom of choice on whether to act upon it. Though there is a body of support for penalising those who do not act/conform, ie by denying them treatment, this amounts to fascism in my opinion.

People are bombarded with health ';education';, never have we been more knowledgeable about what is and is not good for us, from the ';5 a day'; to ';traffic lights'; on food items. Quite frankly I think it is overkill lol. I believe the stats on obesity alone will back me up on that.

People simply do not like being told what to do, even when they know it is in their best interests, and this constant finger wagging and nannying gets right up most peoples noses.

By all means put the information in the public domain but then allow the adults the freedom to make their own decisions.

In accusing some people of ';failing to listen'; you highlight this very point, as in, why are they not ';obeying'; what they are being told to do? There is a world of difference between being advised about something and being coerced, compelled, or downright bullied into accepting it.

Government legislation has increasing power over our daily lives, legislation that is put forward as being in ';our best interest'; is in fact simply giving government more power over the electorate, it is in their best interest not mine, in my view.

If my reply seems a little ';paranoid';, I would respectfully suggest that you take a wider political view.

If this reply does nothing for you, then another option might be that we all just like being naughty lol.

Hope this was ';lengthy'; enough for you, a star for a good question.

Because people prefer to live in the moment. They would rather do something which feels good right now than worry about the effects they will see later in life. In the case of drinking, ';later in life'; may be only a few hours later as they try to drive home and hit another car in the process. Anyone who enjoys drugs should request a ride-along with inner city paramedics, or an observation shift in an ER on a Friday night. Seeing the number of people who come in acutely sick from overdosing (drugs or alcohol), or chronically sick from years of partying, might actually be convinced to make some changes to their lives.

Society makes people believe that they can do anything they want. To an extent, this is true, but society also tells people there are consequences for every action you take. Most people tend to ignore this part until it is too late.
because most of us have minds of our own. if i choose to drink then i will. my life is not and never will be ruled by others. if a smoker chooses to smoke, hes not going to listen to the health advise telling him its wrong. there is far too many do's and do nots in this country and i am sick of it.
Because so much is rubbish - eg

The government banned a sweetener called 'cyclomate' as it could cause cancer. The truth is, if you drank a litre of cyclomate very day for 70 years you MIGHT get cancer. Why should I believe anything they say?
because one day breads good for you,then it isn't.eggs are good for you,they there arn't.the greeks had the right idea,nothing in exess,and know thy self,balance,and moderation in all things,you won't go wrong.

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